My Office
My office is located at 1802 W. 6th Street, Suite B (Upstairs). Though the address is listed as 6th St, it is actually not accessible via 6th. It can be a little difficult to find when you are coming for the the first time, so I recommend building in an extra 10 minutes into your commute for your first visit. See below for specific instructions for getting to my office:
The office is most easily accessible by W. 6th St. As you are approaching the office on W. 6th St:
Turn Right onto Patterson St. (my office is not accessible via 6th)
Almost immediately after turning onto Patterson, you will see a fire hydrant and a small road with a "No Outlet" sign. Turn left onto this street. To your left, you will see a nine-car parking lot shaded by Oak trees (see pictures below). Park in any available space. If there are no open spaces in the parking lot, street parking is free on Patterson— just make sure to not park in any of the surrounding lots.
Upon parking, you will see a staircase to the left of the building (see pictures below). Go up the stairs and enter the first door on the right. This is my waiting room and I will come out to greet you at the time of your appointment. There is a small fridge with drinks that you are welcome to take, and a restroom around the corner.